Monday 23 March 2015

Install Skype On Ubuntu

Since Skype is a closed-source application, it is not included in the Ubuntu repositories, nor is there a Debian package readily available to assist in the installation of Skype. But Skype is free software and there is a Linux version available. Unfortunately, the Skype website does not make it easy to install the latest version, but there are many alternatives that make adding the latest Skype to Ubuntu easy.


Installing Skype With Medibuntu

1. Add Medibuntu to the repository by entering the following in Terminal, entering your administrative password when prompted:

sudo wget$(lsb_release -cs).list \--output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list &&sudo apt-get -q update &&sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring &&sudo apt-get -q update

2. Select "System," choose "Administration" and select "Synaptic Package Manager."

3. Type "Skype" into the search box at the top.

4. Select "Mark for Installation" from the check boxes beside "skype" and "skype-common."

5. Click "Apply" to install Skype.

Installing Skype With Ubuntu Tweak

6. Import the Ubuntu Tweak key by entering the following in Terminal, entering your administrative password when prompted:

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver FE85409EEAB40ECCB65740816AF0E1940624A220

7. Select "System," choose "Administration" and click "Software Sources," then enter your administrative password to continue.

8. Select the "Other Software" tab and add the following two sources:

deb karmic main

deb-src karmic main

9. Click "Close." In the dialog box that appears, select "Yes" to reload sources.

10. Install Ubuntu Tweak by entering the following in Terminal, entering your administrative password when prompted:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

11. Once installation is complete, select "Applications," choose "System Tools" and click "Ubuntu Tweak."

12. Click "Applications" and select "Third-Party Sources."

13. Click "Unlock" and enter your administrative password if prompted.

14. Check the box for Skype and select "Refresh."

15. Click "Add/Remove."

16. Check the box for Skype and select "Apply" to install.

Tags: your administrative password, administrative password, your administrative, sudo apt-get, Ubuntu Tweak, administrative password when