Monday 20 April 2015

Create A Signature On A Blackberry Curve

Can You Create a Signature on a Blackberry Curve?

A BlackBerry is a mobile phone device that can be used for sending and receiving emails and text messages. Many mobile phones, but only a few models of BlackBerry, have special areas within their menus for signatures.


Signatures allow you to identify yourself on every email or text you send. They can include your name, address or other information, and they help to personalize your messages.


Short Message Service (SMS) text messages have limited alphanumeric characters to use, generally 160, and a signature will decrease the remaining amount available for your message.


The signature is often your name or nickname, alleviating the need to type it out on every message sent. Some people include favorite quotations or small pictures by using the keyboard's special characters.

Bad News

The BlackBerry only has a dedicated area for email signatures for BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES). There is no special option for personal email or text messages.

Good News

You can create a signature for personal email and text messages using the QuickText function on BlackBerry. Simply make a new QuickText with the signature you want to use and set it up with something easy and familiar, such as "sig" or "name." When you type those letters and hit space, your signature will automatically appear.

Tags: text messages, email text, Blackberry Curve, Create Signature, Create Signature Blackberry, email text messages