Wednesday 8 April 2015

Unlocking School Lockers

Unlocking School Lockers

School lockers provide students with a number of benefits. However, in order to take advantage of all that a locker has to offer, you have to be able to unlock it. Unlocking school lockers can be tricky and feel difficult at first, but with a bit of practice you'll be able to master it.


Being able to unlock a locker is a big deal for students at school. Since there are different classes and materials required throughout the day, school lockers supply students with a much needed relief. Instead of having to carry every book into each class, they can take out only the ones they need. This is a great system as long as the locker can be opened with ease.

Students are given a designated time between periods to retrieve the items that are needed for the next class. To be on time, the process has to be completed in a brief amount of time.

To do this successfully, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. The location and combination of the locker are the most crucial. Knowing precisely where the locker is located may sound silly, although some students, especially if they have multiple lockers, can have trouble distinguishing one hallway from the next.


Have a particular landmark in mind (classroom, poster, locker sticker) to identify your locker. Once you get there, take the following steps: spin the locker dial all the way around twice to the right. Then rotate the dial to the first number of your locker combination and pause for a second, next you are going to turn the locker dial left to the second number of your combination. Finally, turn the dial to the right and go to the final number in your combination. Depending on the type of locker you have, you may be required to draw the lock up and out of the hole, pull the handle down to unlatch, or simply pull on the knob directly to open up the locker.


School lockers generally have combinations that are made up of three numbers. Since you don't get to choose what the numbers are, it's a good idea to associate them with something so you can remember it easily. Maybe they correspond to a birthday or a special date; you can think of anything to familiarize yourself with what they are. Writing the combination down in a binder or on a piece of paper in your wallet is also helpful. Just make sure that the combination is not available for everyone to see. You want to be confident unlocking your locker and knowing that your belongings will be safe in there.


Practicing to unlock your school locker is also helpful. If you can't do this with your exact locker at school, you can purchase a similar lock for your home. By successfully doing it repeatedly, you'll have less stress when it comes to the one at school.


Remember, some lockers can be tricky and you may have to adjust your technique because of this. A number of locks may require you hit on the exact number every time in order to open it. Others may require that before entering the combination, the locker dial must be set at 0. Some days lockers can seem to act up for no reason. Don't get upset, just take a deep breath and start again. If you are continually experiencing difficulty opening your locker, you may want to have it checkout out by a faculty member at school.

Tags: your locker, locker dial, number your, able unlock, also helpful