Thursday 25 June 2015

Set Up A Bluetooth Headset With A Mobile

Setting up Bluetooth give you hands-free mobile phone features.

Bluetooth headset's have become one of the most popular and useful mobile phone accessories. Headsets allow hands-free control of a mobile phone, enabling the user to perform safely functions previously made dangerous due to the attention-taxing efforts of mobile phone use, such as operating a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle. While Bluetooth technology is relatively new, it is widely embraced by the mobile phone industry and many manufacturers include it as a standard feature. Setting up a Bluetooth headset with a mobile phone takes only a few simple steps that most mobile phone users can accomplish with ease.


Set Up

1. Charge the Bluetooth headset prior to set up. Manufacturers recommend fully charging the headset in order to properly calibrate the battery. When it is finished charging, turn on the headset.

2. Put the Headset into "Pairing Mode" or "Connection Mode." This mode allows the mobile phone to find and connect with the headset. This step is only needed the first time the phone and headset are connected, and other times the headset will automatically connect to the phone when turned on.

3. Turn on the Bluetooth settings on the mobile phone. For most phones, the Bluetooth settings are automatically set to "Off" in order to preserve battery life. Bluetooth settings are likely to be found under the Tools or Settings folder in the mobile phone software.

4. Select the "Discover Devices" option from the Bluetooth menu. Make sure that the phone and the headset are within the prescribed range of the headset. The headset's "Device Name" will appear in the "Discovered Devices" list on the mobile phone.

5. Navigate to the name of the headset on the "Discovered Devices" list. Press "OK" to pair the phone and the headset, this may take a few moments. The Bluetooth headset is now set up with the mobile phone. Repeat the steps to set up the headset with a number of different phones.

Tags: mobile phone, Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth settings, phone headset, Bluetooth headset with