Monday 30 November 2015

How Do You Clear Your Driving Record

How Do You Clear Your Driving Record?

In most cases, the only way to clear serious negative marks on a driving record is time. If the state Department of Motor Vehicles has made a mistake with your driving record, then it may be possible to get it cleared before the 10-year statute of limitations expires. The key word to look for is "expunge." Each state has a different policy that allows you to possibly expunge negative marks from the driving record.


1. Research the relevant expungement law for your state. Most states detail their expungement policies in their Department of Motor Vehicles Driver Manual or other similar document. These handbooks are usually available for free from the relevant department's website. Some states do not allow any expungement, but may offer an alternative service for preventing the charge from appearing on background checks--particularly those originating from out of the state.

2. If necessary, consider contacting an expungement lawyer to assist you in solving the problem. Do not contact a lawyer without first researching the procedure. Look for lawyers that will not charge you unless you achieve successful expungement.

3. Fill out the relevant Expungement Petition. The document can generally be acquired from the website or office of the relevant state Department of Motor Vehicles. A lawyer can assist in drafting the best possible expungement petition. The document may also go by a similar name such as Petition of Expungement or Petition Motion for Expungement.

4. Await the decision of the judge of the superior court of the relevant state. If the judge approves the expungement, the record will be cleared. If not, then the records will remain as they are. The chances of success are increased if the mark on the record never resulted in a criminal conviction.

5. Be aware that it may be much more challenging to get an expungement if an incident involving drunk driving led to an accidental death or significant property damage.

Tags: Department Motor, Department Motor Vehicles, driving record, Motor Vehicles, Clear Your