Thursday 25 September 2014

Flash A Sanyo To A Cricket

If you love your Sanyo phone, keep it when you switch to Cricket.

"Flashing" refers to the process of reprogramming your CDMA network phone to a new wireless carrier. This is different from unlocking a cellphone - unlocking works with GSM networks that require a SIM card, and is basically allowing the phone to recognize the SIM card of a different network. Flashing delves into the programming of your phone that tells it which network's cellular towers to communicate with, and works with networks such as Verizon, Sprint and Cricket.


1. Check your phone for a SIM card. Although you may have a microSD or other storage card in your Sanyo phone, CDMA phones compatible with Cricket shouldn't have a SIM card inside. Sanyo makes both CDMA and GSM phones, so it's important to make sure that you have a CDMA phone before attempting to flash it.

2. Download the appropriate flashing software to your computer. Find this software at online retailers such as Your Cellular, CDMA Flashing Software and Remote Squad. Make sure to download a version that is compatible with your Sanyo model and the Cricket network. Costs vary, but be prepared to pay at least $25 for the download.

3. Call Cricket to establish wireless service. Let them know you're using your existing phone, and give them the necessary information about your phone such as model and identification number.

4. Plug the USB cable into your phone and your computer. Open and run the flashing software, following its instructions to complete the flashing process. The instructions for each phone are very different, but essentially, you must first make sure your phone is connected to the proper COM port - typically COM port 1 or 2 - by going to your Device Manager. To do this, click on "Start," then type "Device Manager" in the search box. Look for your Sanyo phone on the COM port list and drag and drop it to the correct port if necessary. The software then replaces your phone's PRL file - or preferred roaming list - with the correct one from Cricket. To access the folder containing the PRL file, the software may ask you to press an unusual series of buttons, such as "####" and "End." It may also ask you to enter your service program code, which should always be "000000."

5. Unplug the USB cable from your phone, then turn off the phone. After it completely shuts down, turn it back on and dial "611" to make sure you connect to your new Cricket network.

Tags: your phone, your Sanyo, Sanyo phone, your Sanyo phone, CDMA phones