Thursday 15 January 2015

Connect A Nokia N70 To Opensuse 11

If you want to connect your Nokia N70 to your openSUSE Linux computer, then you will need to download the correct drivers. Nokia does not release Linux drivers for its phones bundled on the software discs. Instead you have to install your own drivers downloaded from the Internet. These can be installed directly from the Terminal in OpenSUSE.


1. Download ObexFTP and obextool to your root folder. Click the "Terminal" icon on the desktop dock.

2. Type "tar -xvzf obexftp-xxxx.tar.gz" and press "Enter." Replace "xxxx" with the file version of ObexFTP. Type the following and press "Enter":

export OPENOBEX_LIBS="-L/usr/lib -lopenobex"

3. Type the following and press "Enter":

export OPENOBEX_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/openobex/ -I/usr/include"

4. Type "./configure --prefix=/usr" and press "Enter."

Type "make," press "Enter" and then type "make install" followed by "Enter."

5. Type "tar -xzvf" replacing "xxx" with the version number of ObexTool. Type "./configure" and press "Enter." Type "make" and then "Enter" and type "make install," followed by "Enter."

6. Connect your Nokia N70 to your computer via USB. Type "sudo obexftp -u" and press "Enter." Look through the list for the interface number attached to your phone. Type "sudo obexftp -u X X" replacing "X X" with the numbers for your phone. Press "Enter."

Tags: press Enter, Enter Type, Enter Connect, Enter export, Enter Type make, followed Enter