Tuesday 13 January 2015

Mobile Phone Instructions

Mobile phones are a popular way of communicating.

Many people use mobile phones to stay in touch with friends and loved ones while on the go. A mobile phone allows you to communicate and send messages, as long as you are within your mobile carrier's network coverage. You can even use the phone when you are roaming off your carrier's network. Learning use the phone helps to enhance your experience with the device. Depending on the model of your mobile phone, the steps may vary slightly.


1. Place a call by entering the 10-digit number of the call recipient while on the idle screen of the mobile phone. Press the "Send" or green "Phone" key to dial the number.

2. Press the "Menu" key and click "Messages" or "Messaging." Click "New Message" or "Create New." Enter the 10-digit mobile number of the message recipient and enter the text of the message in the body. Click the "Send" soft key.

3. Access the Internet on the mobile phone by pressing the "Menu" key. Highlight and click the "Internet" or "Browser" icon.

4. Send a picture message by pressing the "Menu" key and clicking "Media" or "My Stuff." Open the "Pictures" folder and highlight the picture you want to send. Press the "Menu" key and click "Send Via MMS" or "Send Via Email." Enter the recipient's 10-digit mobile phone number or email address. Click the "Send" soft key.

5. Place a three-way call by entering the 10-digit phone number of the first party. Press the "Send" or green "Phone" key and wait for the party to answer. Enter the 10-digit phone number of the second party and press the "Send" or green "Phone" key. Press the "Send" or green "Phone" key when the party answers to connect both callers.

Tags: mobile phone, green Phone, Send green, Send green Phone, phone number, Press Send, Press Send green